Survey Demographics
Participants: Total of 63 people, Aged from 18 to above 30
3 participants aged 18 to 20
18 participants aged 21 to 25
17 participants aged 25 to 30
25 participants aged 30 and above
39 females
22 males
2 gender not listed
Measuring User Needs and Expectations
We found significant interest in preparing healthy meals
We aimed to find general needs and expectations one may have about eating healthy and cooking. Selecting these questions allowed us to verify intrigue for healthy eating habits, and the responses we received gave us confidence that our product could have potential.
Those surveyed overwhelmingly strive to eat healthy. People want to vary the meals they have everyday and enjoy cooking for friends, family, and themselves. A majority of respondents look up new recipes to try on the internet. With this data, we knew our app has recommend a variety of healthy meals to appeal to our users.
AI Trust and Comfort
We found inherent interest in the app's concept
With these questions, we confirmed the app's interest in the content and its abilities. Using this data, we can pinpoint the market that we will serve and the intrigue in our product.
Almost 1/3 of those surveyed answered "Yes" when asked if they would use our product. This number is confirmed by the vast majority of respondents who would like to be more aware of the ingredients of their food. Over half of respondents like the idea of being recommended recipes from their own kitchen. Most importantly, a resounding number of those surveyed are comfortable with the answers that AI would give.